Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Whole self meditation

Swaying meditation

With swaying meditation, ask your life
"What do you want to do the most?"

About this question you will meet many kinds of tendencies in your whole self.
Say "Hello" to each tendency, and taste the qualia of each tendency.
This will be long travel in the darkness of body to meet your whole self.

1 Ego

You will meet ego. Ego has several general tendencies.

Self story maker
Ego is always making an ideal story of ourselves about personality, character, and so on. When we believe the illusional story, we can be at home with our illusional identity as daily body.

Self justificator
Ego always corrects good images and makes our self images to justify ourselves in each moment. Ego ignores negative elements and dissociates them as not-me or shadow.
Not-me is hidden as the shadow in the darkness of body.
Ego always puts a blame for a failure on others. This is the biggest trap of ego.
It causes all problems in the world between egos, between nation-states.
When you meet it, calm down this first response of ego, and listen to whole self.

Thinking habit
Thinking with using language always comes up naturally, we cannot stop it, because it is unconscious process, when you notice it, just calm down it. "Hello and good-by", "See you later!"

Ego always simulates future with variating world image and self image.
Ego is always afraid of bad situations. Through the simulations we can get the best scenario to avoid to be fallen in the worst condition.

Ego is living not only in the real time-space, but also living in the illusional space and illusional time. It is a world of qualia. But ego doesn't know about qualia, because it is unconscious process. To be aware of it is necessary to be whole self transparently.
Whenever you notice ego rise up in the subbdoy process, say "Hello and good-by" immediately. " I know you well. You are important for daily life, but not now. Now is the process of whole self travel. Don't disturb me."

2 Super Ego

Super ego is a judge or prosecutor in the darkness of body. It continues to judge everything, "This is right. That is wrong.", "This is good. That's bad." It continues to direct us to be right, to be just, to be honest, to be kind, and so on.
Super ego accepts only positive half of the whole self, and ignores the negative half.
Super ego suppresses all bad tendencies which it judged. Then these negative elements are folded in the unconscious realm.

It criticize you by cynical and negative attitude. It always pays attention to the negative side of whole. It points you about your hidden intention, and stops you to so something. It counts so many negative elements and discourages you.

Old grandmother
It finds some incomplete elements of your plan and forces you to give up it.
"You are not mature enough to do it. Wait for a while."
It always delays you to do something.

These three are the just different appearances of the Super ego. They are embodiment of dualism. When we are bound by language thinking unconsciously, we are often bound by dualistic judgment. We need to stop thinking by using language for released from them.
Be transparent about them. They are also members of our whole selves.

3 Shadow

Try to meet all members inside of your whole self,
including negative characters as cunning, artfulness, accountant, laziness,
liar, coward, inner child, crying baby, anger, violence, and so on.
Jung called them, shadow as the inferior personality.
Salivan named them, not-me.
All of them are elements of whole self which have been dissociated from our daily ego.
They are just various tendencies of life. They are closer to life than us. They are shivering between death and life in the darkness of body. When we meet them, just follow their tendencies, and amplify them to various subbodies; proto bodies, hidden bodies, weakened bodies and so on. To accept all tendencies without judgment is the only one way to be whole self.

4 Anima and animus

Anima is an opposite gender half of self for man. But we continue to seek her outer world as an ideal fatal partner. We are hungry for Anima unconsciously, because it is unconscious half of ourselves.
Animus is an opposite gender half of self of woman also.
They are resonating with our mother's imago (=ideal mother's image), father's imago and image of our real partner in daily life. The bind of Anima and Animus often destroy our real relationship.
They are one of the strongest archetypes. We need for long years to release ourselves from their bind.
Tatsumi Hijikata needed for forty years to be released from his dead sister. Kazuo Ohno needed for fifty years to be released from his Anima; La Argentina, and sixty years from his mother's bind as another Anima. After dancing Anima, we may be able to integrate our whole self as oneness.

5 Other Archetypes

Ego, super ego, shadow, and anima-animus are the most strong and common archetype which lives in the darkness of body of everybody.
C.G. Jung named it "Collective unconsciousness".
But not only them, there so many archetypes are living and influences you from diffrent directions.

Brave boy, Curious girl
They are so curious and active for novel things, they jump into new world without fear. Sometimes they encourage you a lot. You must be attentive to the travel into unknown world.

Wise old man

wise old man (or wise old woman) may give you a hint, awareness, advices, wisdom, special skill, courage, and so on.

Trickstar turns over every view point into opposite side. He is an inventor of novel view point. He can ride on the horse with reverse posture. Most of shaman has this tendency. He is a creator and destroyer.

Animal guide
Sometimes an animal gives good advice for travel. They are spirits for other world.
We need their help.

Great mother
She loves everything, and she eats everything.
She is so empathic, gentle, kind and violent.
Because she is a womb of every element.
For she, everything is fetus belonged in her.
Be good friend with her, but be careful not to be eaten by her.
We have deep tendencies to go back to the oneness world when we are fetuses in the proto womb.

Pure hope
We may have forgotten it, but it is hidden in the darkness of body. It's just innocent, it doesn't know the world enough. But we can keep it and grow up them with together slowly.

Attitude for them

Become a midwife who is listening to the whole process transparently without ego and self.
Subbody which is not recognized yet as a member of whole self by you is like a fetus.
You need to listen to their subtle breath carefully until the birth when they come out as a subbody or cobody. Give them best help at the best timing for birth. Accept them as a new member of your whole self.

When you meet strange and dangerous subbodies within you,
you can just recognize them and leave from them.
Keep safe distance with them until you are ready to contact them.
Slowly, slowly you can become a friend with them in the safe distance.
And some day you can dance them finally.

Read more "School Journal"

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