Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Life 1

What is life?

Finally the day has come to be able to struggle to the deepest problem for me.

All of my previous steps existed for solving this question.

How is it possible to contact with the principle of life?

I tried to listen to the life in the darkness of body at Himalaya for long years.

At the first awareness about life which I got is swaying.

Life is always swaying in the world.

This is the first characteristic of life which I found.

I tried to upstream the history of life throuhg subbody meditation.

Characteristic of subbody meditation is to open all channels. Especially body channel and movement channel. Because life is always moving, without movement sensation, we tend to be bound by only thinking channel. Thinking channel is bound by dualism so deeply. We need to release ourselves from all of dualistic judgment, because it disturbs us to be life. Life has no judgment. We need to enter life world without any words, but with opening full of body and movement sensations.

When we enter the darkness of body without thinking, we meet the life sway.

When we upstream the history of life which has four billion years history, we reach the moment of the birth of life on the earth.

What happened at the moment of the birth of origin life?

We need to learn The String theory for investigating in this question. According to String theory, everything in the universe is made of the change of resonance pattern of String. String is minimum size in the universe as Prank length; 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000m.

Each string is resonating in the Prank size space. Surprisingly, the String theory said there are eleven dimensions in the Universe. Only three dimensions of space and one time dimension are spreading after big ban, but the other seven dimensions are still curled in the minimum space of Prank length. Strings are vibrating in the eleven dimensions including tiny sized seven dimensions. There are infinite resonance patterns of strings. Each resonance pattern becomes a specific material or energy.

For example the simplest resonance pattern makes the Gravity. Another resonance pattern becomes Electro-magnetic power, and so on. There are four powers in the Universe, Gravity, Electro-magnetic power, Strong power, and weak power, all of them are made of the change of resonance pattern of String. Also all kinds of materials are made of String resonance.

One day a big question occurred in the meditation, “How about life?”

Life is neither physical thing nor energy. Life is another thing which is essentially different from them. The essence of life must be hidden in the tiny hidden dimension which nobody knows yet.

I can re-understand through String theory, the swaying of life which I found before is the resonance.
I renewed the first finding about life as following;

The first essential characteristic of life is the resonance.

If also life is made of the change of resonance pattern of String, what happened at the moment of the birth of the Origin life?

Try to imagine the moment with becoming the Origin life. It must be the completely dead world around the origin life. A novel resonance pattern of String had begun in the dead world. Strings started a specific resonance pattern. It was the origin of life. The resonance pattern had two specific characteristics.

The second characteristic which only life has is that life can maintain the special resonance patterns of strings as it is.

The third characteristic is that life can renew the resonance pattern including new resonance patterns which life invents with new materials or energies.

It may seem a contradiction between the second and the third one. But life does not belong to the dualistic logic world. Dualism is mere conbinient simplification for daily life.Life belongs in the non-dual and multi dimansional resonance world. The integration of these paradoxical characteristics is the essence of life.

I noticed that the swaying which was my first finding about life was essentially the resonance of life.

At the early age, life was able to resonate with a few patterns of materials and energy, Gravity, subtle electricity, water, amino acid, protein, sodium, calcium, and so on. But around the origin life there were so many things which life could not find proper resonance pattern in the dead environment. Life had to invent new resonance pattern with new things in every moment desperately. Because if life could not find proper resonance pattern with them, it meant immediately death. Life was resonating with dead from the first moment to present time at every moment. Life’s history is the history of infinite inventions. Also life continued resonance with dead from the beginning to now.

So, then we can find that the fourth characteristic of life is the resonance with dead. The third characteristic is infinite invention of novel resonance pattern with everything.

When life found a new resonance pattern with something, life could keep memory of it in the cell as qualia. Qualia is not physical as same as life. It must be subtle resonance pettern of String in hidden tiny dimensions. Only life can feel and use qualia. This is the essential difference between qualia and information. Machine as computer can use the information, but not qualia.

We can find that the ffifth essential characteristic of life is qualia.

Exactly saying, life and qualia is not different thing. Life and qualia are born at the same moment, and they are oneness. All kind of life memories are qualia. Some of important qualia are imprinted in our genome. The others are kept at our cells as temporary memories. The whole process between temporary memory, long term memory, and DNA memory is not solved yet. It will take long time, because essential secret must be hidden at the tiny seven dimensions where the strings are resonating.

These are the essential characteristics of life which I could find through subbody meditation for these ten years at Himalaya.

When we investigate in the butoh of life, these perspectives about life guide us. This is the reason why we need to resonate with other world, because life is resonating with them. Also it is the reason why we need to stop daily rough thinking, because life is resonating though so subtle qualia with the other world including dead world.

Let’s look back the essential characteristics of life.

Maintenance self resonance pattern with integrating new resonance pattern
Infinite invention of novel resonance pattern
Resonance between life and death

When we become life, we have to follow these essentials, as ash walk, as nest walk, as wearing other world, and with subtle qualia. The subbody butoh method is what just follows the principles of life.

Read more "Subbody Method"

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