Saturday, September 19, 2009

Deep Individuation

Deep Individuation

Last week we did conditioning of five hidden qualia which are folded at hidden cavities, hidden joints, hidden mascles, hidden fluid, and hidden skins. Students met so many novel qualia and explored them. Through this experiences so many subbdoies came out.
It was the first stage of of Sen (=Novel, fresh, intersting) of Sen(Novel)-Shin (Deep) -Hitsu( Necessary) researching method.

"Sen-Shin-Hitsu" method for reseaching

Sen (=Novel) : Folow novel, flesh, intersting qualia widely
Shin (=Deep) : Reseach dep connection with your life, forthe individuation
Hitsu (=necessary) : Invent necessary subbody-cobody movement for survaval as becoming life

View "Sen-shin-Hitsu in " Practice guide"

This week we will enter into the second stage of reseaching ;Shin( =Deep). When we will meet novel qualia, we try to reseach deep conections with hidden memories, proto dreams with a specific qualia. Then it grow up to deep individuational stream with own whole qualia.
Individuation is a special term of Jung. It means to become oneself with opening full of potentials.

These hidden conections are folded in the unconsciousness. Our consciousness cannnot remind them, because they are belonged in subconscious realm.
We need to become subbodies to contact with hidden connection and hidden constellation.
When we stop daily htinking, and become subbody mode, we can catch subtle siganls which are folded in various hidden part of body.

To reaserch five hiddens will help you. With reseaching five hidden part of the darkness of body, listen in subtle forgotten conections between movement and inner qualia stream.
Slowly special hidden constellation which only you can feel will come out and it will guide your subbody movemet into the deep individuational world.

Read more "School Journal"

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