Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sara will perform at Butoh Festival in Barcelona

Sara informed us about Barcelona Butoh Festival that she is going to perform on 10th October.
If you have cahnce, don't miss it. Sara's video "Death Ash" is the most viewed video of Subbody Butoh on YouTube. Already over 17000 people have viewed and enjoyed it!

Hi Family!

I'm writing to invite you to the butoh festival in Barcelona where I'm going to perform a "solo" the next 10th october at 22pm... What I've hear about it, the place is little and you need to make a reservation for the entry which cost is 7 Euros for three solo performances... who wants to come is welcome... if not, there's aldo the possibility to see the solo-performance for free the next 13th november in the C.C. Sandaru. The webpage is:
A part of this, I send you lots of kisses and love to everybody. See you soon and even if I'm absent, I'm still there and you are in my heart. Lots of love,


Hola familia!!!
os escribo para invitaros si quereis y os apetece al fetival de butoh donde voy hacer un solo el dia 10 de octubre alas 22 horas ... por lo que me han dicho el lugar es pequeño y se necesita reservar entrada que vale 7 euros 3 solos ...quien le apetezca vienvenido ... sino tambien esta la posibilidad de verlo gratis el 13 de noviembre en el ccsandaru la web es: no es .com es .es, nunca me acuerdo).
aparte de esto aprovecho para mandaros muchos besos y abrazos a todos nos vemossss pronto a pesar de estar bastante ausente, hay estoy y estais en mi corazón , os quiere,


Contact Sara: :retopagiga[at]
Change [at] to @

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