Monday, September 07, 2009

Kugutsu body

Kugutsu is a thing which has the shape of human-like as you can see on the slideshow above.
Kugutsu is merely a dead thing, but it mediates beween this living world and another world ,like as the dead world thorugh various qualia.
It is moved by another strength from another world through resonance.
It is similar with puppet or marionette whic is manipulated by manipulator. off course there are many traditional culture of manipulated puppet theater in Japan. It called Bunraku or Ningyou Joruri. The puppet is called Kugutsu or Deku, but the essence of Kugutsu is a medium beween this living world and another wolrd.

It is so difficult to explain it by English. I can just tell some essences of Kugutsu body.

1. Become a Quiet body through the breath of life.

2. Resonate with another invisible world behind the Kugutsu

3. Become a medium between this world and another world

This is all what I can describe. It may seem so rough, but for me it is impossble to explain the multi-dimentional resonance wolrd by my elementary English vocabrary.
Because there are neither subject nor object in the resonance world.
Right now it is unable to describe about resonance by English grammer which every word was divided into subject and object. I need to invent another logic to describe non-dual and multi-resonance world, but it will take long time.

Tightrope walk

When you carry the Kugutsu body, there are some specific technique to keep stillness.
One is tightrope walk which you walk on a line between the first toe and heel. Imagine that you are walking on the tightrope in the space.

Sinking feet

Not lift up your foot at all, but imagine that your foot sink into the ground with pressing down each foot.

Nijiri walk

Carry your Kugutsu body with using only toes. Repeat toes bend and streatch.

Oriental walk

Slide your Kugutsu body toward side direction with using your toe ball and heel one after another.

Read more "Practice Guide"

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