Sunday, October 18, 2009

Butoh Festival #5 Thailand

Butoh Festival #5 Thailand

I had a one months workshop with students of Chaing Mai University of Thailand and Japanese dancers group 10 years ago.
It was a collaboration among International WOW company in Thailand and Dance Rhizome from Japan.
All members were so young arround twenty, they were so energetic and full of rebellious spirit.
We created several collaboration peices together and performed at various places as
photos above. It is so dear memories for me.
Because, it was the first event of my world tour which continued for three years.
Ten years has passed from then.
Now I know that some of them become the host of the Butoh Festival Thailand.
I am so glad that they have overcome the hard conditions, and develope energeticly.
Dear Jaa, Jay, Kange, and everybody!
I love your spirits. Hope to go well.


Dec.11th-21st, 2009

BUTOH WORKSHOPS @ Democrazy Theater Studio, Tickets: 500THB
Dec. 11, 2009 @ 18:00-21:00, “The Body in Time and Space” with Joao Roberto de Souza (Ogawa Butoh Center ? Brazil)
Dec. 12, 2009 @ 11:00-14:00, “Mind/Body/Time: A Movement-Based Workshop for Cultivating Presence and Character” with Michael Sakamoto (USA)
Dec. 13, 2009 @ 13:00-16:00, “Moved Beings” with Keiko Yamaghuchi (Japan)
Dec. 14, 2009 @ 18:00-21:00, “Body Manipulation: Release Techniques in Butoh Practice” with Terry Hatfield (USA)

BUTOH PERFORMANCES @ Democrazy Theater Studio, Tickets: 400THB

Dec. 12-13 @ 19:30 featuring: Rocio Fernandez (Spain, Keiko Yamaghuchi (Japan), Nyoba Kan ( 寿板舞踏)(Malaysia), and Butoh Co-Op Thailand (Thailand)

Dec. 19-20 @ 19;30 featuring Joao Roberto de Souza (Brazil), B-Floor Company (Thailand),and Michael Sakamoto (USA)


December 14-23, Photo Exhibition Featuring: Stephan Funke (Finland) and Boaz Zippor (Israel)

Dec. 21 @ 19:30, Closing Ceremony, Solstice Butoh Jam with all artists and guest musicians.
More info:

Reservation: Terry Hatfield

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Resonance workshop #1

Resonance workshop #1

The resonance workshop by students has finished succesfully.
One of the most impressive thing is that they could create so nice relationship through workshop. When we could stop daily ego and self, we can experience pure life resonance beyound every kind of border; nation, state, culture, language, religion, genger, age, power, knowlege, and so on.
Every encounter becomes a creation of novel resonance pattern between life.
Participants gave back us a good feedback which they could get a novel perspective for life by knowing the life resonance, and ithey need it.
To be able to give others a necessasry thing makes us a confidence. "Yes, we can live to continue giving this work in the world."
Slowly we find the way of how to live.

I found that the next work for me is to build a "Resonance Workshop Network" of world wide scale.
Because, the subbody school is too small to recieve all applications. Already next year has been full. After next year is a few space. But if graduated students open workshop at various places, we can respond to all applications.
Already several hundreds perticipants experienced subbody course, some of them have already begun workshops at defferent place on this planet. How can we assosiate all of these activities by life resonance.
We don't have any good sample for this. Many people were caught in the trap of hyerarchic tree system which have a center and branches for making an association.
Hyeralchic system is the beggest enemy for opening diverse creativities of life.
We need to invent another way of human relationship.
It must be a novel experiment of a resocracy for the future of human society.
This invention may be my last work. I will never hurry to find it. I need all of your collaboraton. Not only me, but all of you create it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

resonance workshop in Himalaya

Body resonance workshop-2

Students are going to open second workshop in November.

This time they will try it in the Himalayan nature,

in the mountain, forest, river, and so on.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Life resonance as an Art of life

Life resonance as an Art of life

It was the third day's of workshop, participants were hejitated what should they do at the beginning of workshop, but today they started to enjoy the experiment of resonance. .

Today, Xavi guided how to listening in subtle qualia in the darkness of body through various conditioning; resonance touch of spine, resonance with a flame of candle, resonance with each face and body, and so on.
They understand that everyhting is resonance, they can just follow the subtle tendencies of life resonance, no one judge it.
Participants joined the experiment of resonance by whole body with joy.
They seemed to surprised at that they noticed so many interesting resonances came up from their body. Through these experiments, we can find novel resonance patterns and polish them.
After workshop, they continued various communications together. Resonance workshop brought about nice encounters.

I noticed that resonance method is able to open a novel way of life.
And potentially people look for it. When resonance ability was opened, it brings infinite creativity. The way of life changes drastically. We can create vivid human relationships through resonance workshop.

Life resonance is an Art of life, to reconstruct a creative way of life.

I became aware of that my next work is to complete the resonance method as an Art of life which people really need. It is not only creation method of butoh,
but also a method for opening a novel way of life. It includes Creative Art and Healing Art also.
If it will be completed, students can survive as a facilitater of the resonance method in the world.
Until last year, it was so pity that I could not guide studetns how to survive in their countries. Foutunately, Kats has already started to survive with giving subbody workshop and shuatu work in USA.
We will build up this method as an novel Art of life to be able to develope it in various regions in the world.

Everyhting is resonance

Everything is resonance

Today was the second day of the open workshop. Chiara guided it. She started from conditioning No.1; with feeling various vibrations of body. And she guided "Cristal energy ball resonance". We meved with feeling an imaginary energy ball between both hand. The ball chnaged size and enrgy. We followed it. And we foud a partner. The energy ball was moving among four hands. We just followed it. So various movement happend.
And she started ausio resonance. We made body sounds "u" at the bottom of body, "o" at the berry, "e" at the chest, "a" at the face, and guided to free improvisational resonance. One person started movement at the center of the circle with resoannting with the sound.
In the afternoon, we moved in the garden, she guided that a string moved a part of our body. Differet parts of body are moved by imaginry strings. We enjoyed the self research with being moved by strings.
She guided the subbody cobody theater that one person started one's movement
at a place of garden, the other improvised with free resonance.
So intersting scenes appeared.

After workshop, a participant asked a question," What is the resonance?"
I answered, "This year we are researching a experiment of resonance. Also this workshop is an experiment of it. What is resoance? So, everyhting is resonance between life and life, life and dead. I showed the sample with the grass. Totouch the grass is resoance, to break it is also resoance, to eat it is resoanence. When we are bound by the concept of human, we cannot resonate freely, because we feel that we are human, and you(=grass) are not human. When we throuw out the concept of human ego, self, we can resonate freely with everything. I showed various resonance with the grass; touching, hitting, eating, rollling,stepping and so on. In the life world, nobody judges like as "This is good resonance, that is bad resonance." Everhtihing is resoance, just enjoy it through the workshop.
Through this demonstration and explanation, she seemed to get it.

For open workshop

How to guide new participants into subbody world

Students try open workshops in this week.
Five new participants joined from Dharamsala.

I disicibe some essential points for guidning the beginners into subbody world.

1. Calming down daily body and mind
After self intoroduce by short word, we keep silence for all days.
To stop language thinking is the most important point at the entrance of subbody world. Without talking we shift from thinking mode to listening mode into the darkness of body.
Guide participants to calm down all thinking, if thinking comes up, catch the moment and calm down it.

2. Taste comfortable body feeling
By conditioning No.0 (Breathing), No.1 (Vibrating) ,No.2 (Swaying), or No.11 (Resonance touch), taste the most confortable body feeling.
Listen in them and guide participant into comfortable listening mode.
To taste comfort is important to shift to subbody mode.
Release all tension, intension, thinking, judgment, doubt, and anxiety.

3. Slow down and listen in subtler body feeling.
On the way of a conditioning, suddenly slow down the speed into the minimum.
Listen in subtle body feeling. It is so subtle but it has so many different kinds of qualia:
As a physical body feeling; gravity, warmth,coollness, tightness, flexibleness, itchyness, and so many kinds of undiscrived qualia.
As a mental qualia; memories of each ages, forgotten memories, dreams, illusions, imaginations, and so on.
They are streamning and transforming in the darkness of body.

4. Catch a subtle signal and follow it

When you catch a subtle signal of tencency at a part of body, follow the tendency by your body. Any mevement can be come up.

5. Amplfy it to a unique movement

You will meet so many qualia, when you meet a novel, new, fresh qualia, follow it and amplify it to an unique movement.
This is the subbody.

6. Researching subbody world

Reseach various subbodies, and ask your life, "Which one do you like to be today?"
Become the subbody. Create your own movement freely.

7. Subbody-cobody resonance

We share subbodies. One person starts movement of one's subbody. The others resonate it as a life freely. Everyhting is resonance. Invent unique resonance in each moment. This is subbody cobody theater. Enjoy it.

Diverse subbodies and cobodies for explore the whole

We need around twenty subbodies and cobodies for create a butoh peice.
At least ten bodies for middle peice. When we can collect all of them, the peice become a whole.
Our whole self has the same diverse as the Universe.
All of strings which make qualia are resonanting together in the Universe.
Life has experienced so diverse qualia in the four billions years long, and all of them are folded in unique way in our darkness of body.

The subbody is like a vehcle to explore the Universe, we need to change various vehcles; walking, byscle, car, ship, submarine, plane, rocket, and so on.
Sometimes we need to transform a mole to dig a tunnels, a dolphine to explore the ocean, a bird to ride on the wind, an ameba to enter the tiny world, a bee swarm to resonanting life, a wind to stream the space, a stone to taste the etarnal time, and so on.
We need to be all of hidden bodies, to explore the complex darkness of body, to be opposite sex, to be fetus, to be child, to be old, to be dead, to be possessed body, to be kugutsu body to contact other world.
When we can integrate all of them, we can show everything of the whole self and life transparently.

Now we enter the integrated creation process in October, and november.
Slowly sudents has start integration. Please wacth the process how much their subbodies and cobodies grow up into multi-dimensional diversity.

How to fix and grow your choreography

Yesterday, a student asked me, "How can I fix my choreography?"
"Why do you ask it?"
"Because I cannnot develope my peice from a improvisation to fixed choreography."

Then now I will guide the process to create a fixed choreography, and grow up it. throuhg real time resonance.

1. Repeat it many times until it sinks down into your body.
When you find a novel sequence in your self reserch or improvisaton, repeat the part many times until your body remeber it with keeping real qualia stream.

2. Keep the real qualia stream
Each subbody movement has each own specific qualia stream. You need to keep whole qualia stream of the sequence. Remember the whole process when the novel sequence came out. From your conditioning process to the reseaching and creation process, print all of them in your body.

3. Find the best timing for the movement.
Every movement has its own best timing. Until you get the best timing for it, continue "Try and reduce. Cut and polish".
This process is the same as sculptor. Sculptor completes a static shape through cut and polish. Choreographer completes a moving shape through the same trials.
When you find the best timing of it, it is very clear, because suddenly it turns to the beauty, and you can imprint it in your body with surprising. You become to able to repeat it with pleasure from your bottom.

4. Fix it with the best Jo-Ha-Kyu.
Normaly, a subbody movement seems miserable and ugry. It doedn't looks so-called beautiful. But, when it gets the best Jo-Ha-Kyu, it crystalizes into the beauty. This is the magic of Jo-Ha-Kyu.
Any ugry movements have a potential to be the beauty. Find the best position in the total Jo-Ha-Kyu of your peice.

5. Grow the peice with many times repeating.
A choreography is not completed in a short time. Whne you get a fixed Jo-ha-Kyu, repeat the peice many times in the various conditions. All repeatings is the re-creation. Whenever you repeat it, it grows up with a real time resonance.

6. Real time resonance between choreography and improvisation
Through these repeating process, you can integrate the choreography and improvisation. In each trial of your fixed choreography at different place and time, every time you can renew it including partial improvisation. It is real time resonance. Slowly your subbody peice will grow up, and it becomes your friend.

Imaginary duet

Imaginary duet

We try to open the human relationship channel.
The first step of relationship channel is to sink into the origin of relationship of life.
Here has completely other logic.

1 Sinking into the origin of relationship

After swaying meditation enough, open the relationship channel of life.
Sink into the fetus world when we didn't know that we are human.
When we were fetuses, we were not divided into self and others. Fetus and womb was oneness.
There was the origin of relationship before we were devided into self and others.
We are from there.
We take off the illusion of self consciousness of human which is divided into self.

Other logic of life before the divide of self and others

There are no diviide between one and two for cell's life.
A cell divides into two cells, and refleshs itself. There is no divide between old and young, because they always become young again. And sometimes two cells become one by cell fusion.
Life has continued cell division and cell fusion.
One becomes two. Two become one.
One cell becomes multi cells. Multi cells become one individual life.
One is multi, Multi is one.
This is real logic of life.
We are used to be bound by Euclid matimatics for long years.
We beleive that one is not two, two is not one, but it cannot adapt to life.
Life has its own another logic which has never been discrived by words.
This flexisible transforming world is the origin of relationship of life.

Our lives always go and come between non-divided world between self and others and divided daily world as a dream body and subconscious body.
In the dream, we transform from a person to other person or being flexibly.
When we notice, we transfer from a world to other world. The world images and self images are streaming and transforming always.
A gentle mother transforms to devi.
A lovely girl transforms snake and monster.
The archetype world of myth and forklore also sways between diveded and non diveded world.
This is the most original experience for life.
When we take off the human binds, we can taste the most universal qualia of life.
A novel experience about world will begin from here.

2 Imaginary duet
In the darkness of body, There are so many qualia are streaming and transforming.
Try to taste all of them, and find out the most favorite partner for you, and dance with it.
Your partner is living in the non-dual transforming world, it changes shapes always.

Read more "School Journal"

Hidden fluid

Proto ocean for life

Our human body has sixty trillions of cells. Each cell has each indipendent life.
How do trillions of cells resonate and become one human life?
They have so many kinds of resonance patterns which life has invented in four billions years after the birth of origin life.
But they need definitely water environment for resonance, because the important ways of resonance was invented in the ocean.
Still now, our life need the same environment as the proto ocean in our body for communication.
The origin life wan born in the ocean. They need the same environment for reproduction.
Then for the cell fusion of sperm and ovum needs the environment of fluid as the vagina and womb same as the proto ocean.
Glia neuron network in the brain need also proto ocean environment as the cerebrospinal fluid.
Six trillions cells need proto ocean for resonance, it is the body fluid.
But the consciousness doesn't take care of it, then we call it "Hidden fluid".

Lisening in the hidden fluid

When we calm down the consciousness, we can listen to the subtle changes of the condition of body fluid. Arround 60-70% of our body is made of water.
There are four basic ways of communication among cells; 1. Contact-dependent, 2. Paracrine, 3. Synaptic, 4. Endocrine. All of them need body fluid as medium.

Body fluid is the medium for cells resonance with various system of body.
The endocrine system uses blood and lymph fluid for communication of various hormens.
Also the immune system needs the body fluid for activity of macrophage, T-cell, B-cell, and NK (=Natural killer) cell. They are moving beyond the blood, lymph and body cells.
Neurons are connected by the synapse with other neurons. At the synapse, body fluid is necessary as medium for neurotransmitter. Glia cells and neuron cells comunicate at the synapse with using various transmitters.

To listen to the hidden fluid is to listen to the life resonance among sixty trillions of cells of the body.

When the conditions of body fluid change, we receive qualia as an emotion and desire.
If water decrease in the blood, we feel thirsty. If sugar decrease, we feel hungry.
If sexual hormone increase, we feel sexual desire. If blood presure increase, we feel unconfortable, and so on.

Become fluid body

Sway with ocean. There are no border between inside and outside. Just resonante with everything.

Transform from hidden fluid

When we can change the qualia of body fluid, we can transform our bodies into various conditions, and various being; frozen, liquid, vaporized, stone, and varius creatures.
Invent your own ways of transformation from the hidden fluid.

Keep on listening to the subtle change of hidden fluid.
It means to listen in the conditions of life.
Keep on listening in the subtle resonance of life all day long.
It is the way to be with life.

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Read more "Practice Guide"

How to get a whole qualia

In this month, long term students challenge to guide one day class.
Last week, chiara guided it. I became a participant. After various practices, she told us, "Go out to garden, and find a tree. Dance with it."
I found a jasmin tree. So sweet fragrance were spreading. Suddenly I found that the franrance connects to my Anima qualia.
I could reseach the Anima price which I have to dance in these ten years.
It was so pleasant experience for me.

Today, Xavi guided it. After conditioning, and practice of audio resonance, and Jo-Ha- Kyu composition. He guided us to "The blind guide". One person put blind fold on the eyes. One more person became a midwife to guide and guard the partner. And when the blind person find a place, dance freely with listening to the darkness.
When I tryed this, I noticed a subtle difference in my movement.
When I move with opening only movement channel, the qualia is simple and shallow.
But when I open various channels, the movement increases reality.
Especially, when the relationship channel opens, the movement get deep qualia.
When the world=self channel is open, movement gets the whole qualia.

If we can guide others to open these big channel, it is shure that their movmenet bocomes deeper and more tasty.
How can we open these multiple channels?
I have already tryed in various ways.
I have guided students to open each channel one by one.
Now it seems to have another posibility.
There must be much more direct way to open non-dual and multi-channels.
I will try to take longer time for it. In october I will try to use for two weeks or more for opening relationship channel. And in the November, for one month to open world-self channel. These deep channels need for long time.
It becomes possible to reseach it with slow tempo with long term students.
This is the real speed of subbody for changing.
I realized that in the short term course, everything was not real speed for subbody.
I had to arrange the process in a shorten process, but it was something fake. That's why my subbody hated the short course so strongly.
We need to realize that everyhting has each own time to mature, and to be whole.

From fake to real cobody

From fake world to real world for subboy
---Learning from student's subbodies

In the second semester, one of the biggest changes is student's subbodies become real subbodies. They become mature subbodies.
Real subbodies are residents of non-dual and multi-dimensional world. They don't like to follow tree system at all; One, two ,three, A,B,C, and so on.
I learned a lot of things from them.
Because the subbody method was constructed for the beginners at first from ten years ago. The former students were just tourists in Dharamsala. Then it had a strict ripple system which was gradually shifting from daily mind and body to subbody.
Then all beginning methods were made by tree system which guides students step by step from dualistic world to non dual world; one, two, three, A, B, C, water dimesion, arrow diememsion, and door dimension, et cetera.

But it is not suitable for mature subbodies. They prefer to dive into real non-dual qualia stream directly. They want to follow no more tree method.
When I noticed it, it was biggest pleasure for me.
I have to re-costruct all of mehtod to be suitable for real subbodies.
How pleasant it is! Because now we can enter real non-dual subbody world together!
At first I have to reconstruct the ripple method.

From two dimensional ripple to multi dimensional ripple

Two dimensional ripple

I need to change image of ripple, from two dimensional ripple to multi dimensional ripple.
In the two dimensional ripple it is spread from inside to outside. I used this image from biginners stage to advanced stage. But in the multi dimensional ripple inside connect to outside directly. There are no inside and outside. It is completely rhizome.

Multi dimensional ripple

I used to proceed from simple to complex stage, easy to difficult step. But now it doesn't work. On the contrary, it disturbs student's subbody.
Subbody doesn't want to follow like this tree way. Subbody feels it fake.
We can start from the real complex qualia in non dual and multi dimensional realm.
I will reconstruct all methods with this multi dimensional ripple. It guide us from tree thinking to rhzome thinking, from dualistic thinking to non-dualistic thinking.
I am so glad that we can enter this realm with students at last.

Read more "Sinking into"

Hidden body--Practice Guide

Becoming unknown self

Calming down your daily mind and body with swaying conditioning.
Opening hidden joints, muscle, and cavities by conditioning No.5.

Your can catch subtle qualia at your various hidden parts of body.
Follow it, and amplify it by riding the tendencies with whole body.
So many hidden tendencies will come out.

inferior characters,
disisociated personalities,
proto dreams,
day dreams,
forbidden memories,
life memories,
fetus, baby, inner child, pure boy and girl, old man, old lady,
opposite sex,
near death body,
and deads.

They are transforming infinitely beyoud time-space.
They are true residents in our darkness of body.
Become the Hidden bodies.
We can explore our whole self with becoming them.


Read more "Practice Guide"

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Not me, but life...

Not me, but life...

Listen to the life, What do you want to do most today?
Life is always resonating with the world, and creating something.
We just follow a subtle tendency of life.
Not me, but life makes it...
Real subbody is like this.
To be butoh dancer is to become a transparent medium of life.

Subbody Butoh Himalaya

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hidden fluid

Proto ocean for life

Our human body has sixty trillions of cells. Each cell has each indipendent life.
How do trillions of cells resonate and become one human life?
They have so many kinds of resonance patterns which life has invented in four billions years after the birth of origin life.
But they need definitely water environment for resonance, because the important ways of resonance was invented in the ocean.
Still now, our life need the same environment as the proto ocean in our body for communication.
The origin life wan born in the ocean. They need the same environment for reproduction.
Then for the cell fusion of sperm and ovum needs the environment of fluid as the vagina and womb same as the proto ocean.
Glia neuron network in the brain need also proto ocean environment as the cerebrospinal fluid.
Six trillions cells need proto ocean for resonance, it is the body fluid.
But the consciousness doesn't take care of it, then we call it "Hidden fluid".

Lisening in the hidden fluid

When we calm down the consciousness, we can listen to the subtle changes of the condition of body fluid. Arround 60-70% of our body is made of water.
There are four basic ways of communication among cells; 1. Contact-dependent, 2. Paracrine, 3. Synaptic, 4. Endocrine. All of them need body fluid as medium.

Body fluid is the medium for cells resonance with various system of body.
The endocrine system uses blood and lymph fluid for communication of various hormens.
Also the immune system needs the body fluid for activity of macrophage, T-cell, B-cell, and NK (=Natural killer) cell. They are moving beyond the blood, lymph and body cells.
Neurons are connected by the synapse with other neurons. At the synapse, body fluid is necessary as medium for neurotransmitter. Glia cells and neuron cells comunicate at the synapse with using various transmitters.

To listen to the hidden fluid is to listen to the life resonance among sixty trillions of cells of the body.

When the conditions of body fluid change, we receive qualia as an emotion and desire.
If water decrease in the blood, we feel thirsty. If sugar decrease, we feel hungry.
If sexual hormone increase, we feel sexual desire. If blood presure increase, we feel unconfortable, and so on.

Transform from hidden fluid

When we can change the qualia of body fluid, we can transform our bodies into various conditions, and various being; frozen, liquid, vaporized, stone, and varius creatures.
Invent your own ways of transformation from the hidden fluid.

Keep on listening to the subtle change of hidden fluid.
It means to listen in the conditions of life.
Keep on listening in the subtle resonance of life all day long.
It is the way to be with life.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

From fake subody world to real resonance world

Learning from student's subbodies

In the second semester, one of the biggest changes is student's subbodies become real subbodies. They become mature subbodies.
Real subbodies are residents of non-dual and multi-dimensional world. They don't like to follow tree system at all; One, two ,three, A,B,C, and so on.
I learned a lot of things from them.
Because the subbody method was constructed for the beginners at first from ten years ago. The former students were just tourists in Dharamsala. Then it had a strict ripple system which was gradually shifting from daily mind and body to subbody.
Then all beginning methods were made by tree system which guides students step by step from dualistic world to non dual world; one, two, three, A, B, C, water dimesion, arrow diememsion, and door dimension, et cetera.

But it is not suitable for mature subbodies. They prefer to dive into real non-dual qualia stream directly. They want to follow no more tree method.
When I noticed it, it was biggest pleasure for me.
I have to re-costruct all of mehtod to be suitable for real subbodies.
How pleasant it is! Because now we can enter real non-dual subbody world together!
At first I have to reconstruct the ripple method.

From two dimensional ripple to multi dimensional ripple

Two dimensional ripple

I need to change image of ripple, from two dimensional ripple to multi dimensional ripple.
In the two dimensional ripple it is spread from inside to outside. I used this image from biginners stage to advanced stage. But in the multi dimensional ripple inside connect to outside directly. There are no inside and outside. It is completely rhizome.

Multi dimensional ripple

I used to proceed from simple to complex stage, easy to difficult step. But now it doesn't work. On the contrary, it disturbs student's subbody.
Subbody doesn't want to follow like this tree way. Subbody feels it fake.
We can start from the real complex qualia in non dual and multi dimensional realm.
I will reconstruct all methods with this multi dimensional ripple. It guide us from tree thinking to rhzome thinking, from dualistic thinking to non-dualistic thinking.
I am so glad that we can enter this realm with students at last.

Hidden body


Becoming unknown self

Calming down your daily mind and body with swaying conditioning.
Opening hidden joints, muscle, and cavities by conditioning No.5.

Your can catch subtle qualia at your various hidden parts of body.
Follow it, and amplify it by riding the tendencies with whole body.
So many hidden tendencies will come out.

inferior characters,
disisociated personalities,
proto dreams,
day dreams,
forbidden memories,
life memories,
fetus, baby, inner child, pure boy and girl, old man, old lady,
opposite sex,
near death body,
and deads.

They are transforming infinitely beyoud time-space.
They are true residents in our darkness of body.
Become the Hidden bodies.
We can explore our whole self with becoming them.

Body and subbody; Surface muscle and hidden muscle

Our daily bodies are controlled by consciousness with using surface muscles.
And our subbodies are controlled by subconsciousness through controling our hidden muscles unconsciously.
When we use hidden muscles and joints, our subbbodies and cobodies are activated.
We have forgot them, but our cells in each hidden part can remember subtle hidden qualia which connect to our subbodies.

When we felt fear, it is folded at our hidden muscles.
At our root of toungue, many unexpressed voice are printed.
"I wanted to say something, but I couldn't say anything at that time..."
Many hidden expressions are folded at our hidden muscles of face.
Dreams and hopes which was unable to realize.
So many hidden tendencies are folded with smallest collapsed postures.
Release them slowly .slowly.

Explore your whole self world with becoming carious hidden bodies.
We need to know all of them for becoming transparent body.
Otherwise, sometimes they will attack us with sudden emergencies.
We may fall into a panic, neuroisis, and various mental-somatic syndromes.

Read more "Subbody Butoh Himalaya"